Welcome !

Ether you were just passing by it, or you were googling some topics that ended you to here, you should know that no matter who you are, where do you live, or what is your nationality or race, I really appreciate you as a human being, and in this blog I general write about philosophy/life/religions/politics and some other time I write about a small technical issues. your very welcome and I will really appreciate your comments as well :)

Geeks are Gangsters.

Geeks are the real gangsters who are responsible for changing the world around you!

Wanna know more about me?

if you want to know more about me, you can just go to the following link to know my story

Do you need a web developer?

Do you need to enhance your business by taking it to the online world, without spending too much? Do you need to add any technical platforms to your company or do you have a new ideas for projects? email me! karem.kamel@gmail.com


I have too much interest in philosophy in general! and that's what is this blog is mainly about, many topics here will be very related to philosophy.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

simple facts - II

I have a soul, I enjoy praying and I totally believe in after life!
I believe there is angels, demons, and even devils around us and everywhere
I believe in miracles, I believe in the ununsal and the unexpected
I believe the universe was made because of us..
I believe human beings are all equal, are all the same and they all came from one mother and one father
I believe souls love/hate each others
I believe in good souls and I believe in evil souls
I believe in Jesus, Moses and Mohamed pbuh
I believe what ill do in my life will reflect on my afterlife
I believe we have a free choice, and that we don't meet but ourselves in the way of destiny
I believe ill stand infront of god to judge me for all what I did
I believe ill go to either Heaven or Hell and nothing else!

from the miracles we came and in it we live !
from the farest atom in the universe to the nearest atom to you
we feel its harmony, we see its wonders, we talk with it, understand it, we sense it and it sense us
we are the observers of that universe!

we are MUSLIMS
we believe in what's beyond the logic, we believe in god!