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Ether you were just passing by it, or you were googling some topics that ended you to here, you should know that no matter who you are, where do you live, or what is your nationality or race, I really appreciate you as a human being, and in this blog I general write about philosophy/life/religions/politics and some other time I write about a small technical issues. your very welcome and I will really appreciate your comments as well :)

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I have too much interest in philosophy in general! and that's what is this blog is mainly about, many topics here will be very related to philosophy.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Away from Earth

Are we alone in that universe?
a question that doesn't has an exact answer till the moment, because simply there are billions of planets in our galaxy and billions of galaxies in our universe, and even more there are parrallel universes for our universe, so its really hard to prove that.

the harmony of that universe, the magic of its movment, and the unimaginable beauty of it makes you believe that this big system has a unity, and has a rule, the fact that we don't know where is that universe exists to the level that you can believe there is no actually a where for something or anything makes you wonder how big is it and how small are we, and despite the fact that we are really small compared to the universe, we were still able to look at the stars and wonder about it from millions of years and till the moment with no clear answers about where is the universe? and what beyond it.

scienests made their best to determine that but they gave us unclear answers and thousands of number of theories that prove something you can't even feel, like the universe exists in the absolute nothing without giving us a definition for what is really that "nothing", the universe came out of the no where and also didn't explain what is really that "no where"

I believe to understand the universe, you need a more deep explaniation that doesn't relay on number theories or logical ones because how can you count a countless thing ! logically its not possible to determine the exact number of planets or even how big is the universe because simply it expands everynow and then, but the way things move in it, the way of its harmony and the way it makes you wonder got all the answers for what your looking for, the universe is a map for your goal.

Everything in that universe wants to lead you to one single fact, there is a unity between things, you have to believe that because of you there was a universe and not the oppsite, this universe is there because u exists, the birds are singing because you exist, everything around you is there because of you...

you are the reason and you are the answer, if there was no you then there'd be no thing
and since the universe speaks one language, having one culture and same concepts
it became a one strong unit, isn't it the time to become a one strong unit with the universe?
22 country speaks one language, having the same culture and one religion and all kind of resources
it will must be in the end a one great civilization that goes in a perfect harmony with everything around it
its not a dream, its a fact that will come true oneday and the question is
can you believe in that?

yes the title was "Away from Earth", but who said that we belong to the Earth now? we -the Arabs- are so away from Earth right now because we didn't do what are we supposed to do, we didn't care about what we believe in, we didn't even believe in what we supposed to believe in, so from the edge of that universe I am calling you to get back and take your role.

And we can do that prefectly, because no matter how far we were away from Earth, we were always the nearest from the truth.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Simple Facts !

Love, passion are just color tricks, what you see in your beloved is just like what we see in the rainbow, but the beauty of the rainbow wasn't made by the rainbow itself, its all because of the light of sun on the hangged rain drops in the sky that gave you the beauty of that rainbow! so that when sun goes and the rain drops dry, the beauty just go away!

and so is your beloved, her beauty is just what her creator reflected on her, so that if the reflection stopped for a second, she looks old, sick and even her beauty become static with no gravity in it as what she owned of beauty wasn't her beauty but it was just a loan/

even the beautiful souls, characters and good beahviours of people are not but a reflection of god names on it, the most geneorus, the friendly, the forgiving, the most merciful !
isn't it all his names ?

and can we love god names except when we see its reflection on people and things?
and do we really love these things and people or we just love the reflection of his names so that we actually love him without even knowing that we love him !

and the one who got the true knowledege to know this truth, he goes to him directly and love him direclty without letting him self fall in the traps of medias and connections between the reflection and the source! and by doing that he'd save his soul power and the decieve of colors and the disappoiments we will get from things, people we love becuase its all a reflection and not the source.

But not all who know that can achieve it!
& not all who reached this rank, knew that!

Revolution of Jokes !

If your a good reader of books of history and read many books about how revolutions happens you will must stop at the Egyptians in dealing with the revolution at the Tahrir square in a funny sense to the level they made a gallery there during the revolution to post every day a 1500 A4 page full up with new jokes they make every day, the words on signs were not-and for the first time in the world history- a political demands or slogans it was a very funny jokes came out from people who are having a great sense of humor, the police men snipers were killing them and the molotov bombs were everywhere, there were cars crossing over people and the square of tahrir was nearly a war land between police and protesters but that never prevented people from expressing their ideas using an amazing sense of humor, facing dangerous by laughing at it, it is extremely important to document how Egyptians used this sense of humor, spirit and way of thinking in standing strongly for 18 days in the same place without getting angry or facing the violent by violent !! because this spirit and this way of thinking which made in the end the revolution stay a white revolution with no blood at all !

now a new Egyptian expressions came up like : Do you have a molotov? ( a lighter in the past)
and there was a sign written on it after Mubarak gave up the presidency : Mubarak, come back, we were joking, this is the hidden camera ! :D
other person wrote on his body : Please go away, I wanna go home to have a shower..
also other person wrote : Abdl Nasr and El Sadat met Mubarak after his death and they were asking him : is it the poison or people shoot you on the victory day, so he replied : No, Facebook :D !
And after they got bored from waiting his decision to give up Egypt presidency, they wrote a big sign saying on it :
please keep staying at the palace, we are coming to you :) ...
beside there is one tent there people wrote on it : "Tired from the revolution, come inside and laugh about it"
also other tent wrote on it : I am having a headache because I didn't hear enough bombs today !

and thousands of others jokes, slogans like that...
this was Egyptian main weapon against this very old strong system, which was very corrupt to a level if we used a destroyable energy against them, it'd be a great war and the whole country would be destroyed .
but using this sense of humor, way of thinking made the sarcastic of Egyptians a very powerful weapon because it made a hollow of a very positive energy around everyone there so that they were feeling all the time, they are there for a nice hang out and not a revolution which will kick Mubarak's system out and will make a democracy, Equality and social justice in Egypt for EVER !

This is what I truly call a pure genius solution that came naturally from people who make the impossible possible in a very nature way using their pure sense without even realizing how genius are they !!

Thanks to Allah who made me believe in that day, Thanks to people who believed that nothing will kill them but their fear.

Freedom, Equality, Social Justice will lead the country to democracy which will lead us to choose the right person in every place, which will lead us in the end to uniting the whole Arab countries and becoming a great civilization in the end.

you deserve it, so work for it from now :) and always remember no matter how small, young you were...you could be the one who miracles of nations happen on his hands, there is no1 greater than you but GOD

I just don't know !

I just don't know what happened !
I just don't know why did u go away,
why when I won, I lost
why I just don't feel okay !
why life is so painful,
why yesterday is just like today
and why just u didn't explain it !
why didn't you make a delay !
why it is either black or white
why the FUCK u can't C the grey!
why you just never make a move!
if u think it is a game,please PLAY
why its me who always suffer!
I paid enough, while wishing u'd never pay!
when im gonna get out of this,
I am just so stuck in that clay
we aren't u creative !
why didn't you even fake up a FRAY !
your bet on time is not right !
its not a rule in a book or even an ESSAY !
I called you dozen of times
please, don't leave, YOU HEY !
but you did nothing till now
will you do 1day?
my bet on that, is my life BET !
between you and me is my PRAY !!

Karem Kamel

Just a moment !

No doubt the last attacks that happened against EGYPTIANS -and I wont say Christians- shocked us, & I don't want any christian guy/girl to bet on our nationalites as Egyptians and say he is sad more than US, because we are not ! and being in other religion never gives you the right to say we are not sad for what happened like you ! because in the end we are all Egyptians and human beings, all Egyptians in different levels and classes were living in peace for centuries from the pharos time till now ! we don't hate people in other religions, the first remark everyone visit Egypt says : that they found Egyptians, some of them go to the mosquee and some others to the church, but they are the same having the same ways of thinking, and the same moods and even the same techniquees in hustling ! :D

The attacks wasn't a dead bodies only, the attacks was a dead education, a dead health system, a dead -called-democractic system, a dead ways of thinking, a dead understanding to the real message of religions and GOD !

The number of Egyptians who got killed in traffic accidents, an ignorance for cases in gov. hospitals and due to torture in police stations exceeds the numbers of victims in any terrorist operation, what killing us is not the terrorist attacks, what really killing us is that very old system which is pushing Egypt forward with no doubt on many tracks but a very few Egyptians who got the reflection and the income of this development process, what killing us and killing me personally that 35% of people can't read or write in a country used to rule the world for thousands of years, what really killing me
to see 40% of population under the line of poverty in a country got the longest river in the world passing through its lands with two seas and many natural resources starting with oil, gas, iron ending with a 24/7 sun as a natural resource of energy! what should we really feel bad about is how unfair the life is in Egypt.

Yes, the attacks was horrible and shocked us but it is based on many other things that let it happen, and if we really want to stop these attacks, to live in peace and get more powerful we should all put aside any small problems between us and put our hands together in the face of this old system ! to stop listening to people who never lived in Egypt or seen how life is between us here when they say "Christians are having bad treatment" because any blind person walking in Egypt knows that we are ALL having a bad treatment, we ALL have one enemy ! who wants to destroy us ! my message to Muslims to as well is to stop standing behind that defense line saying our religion is not ordering us to kill OTHERS !! Kaada doesn't represent Islam and all of that shit as some people want us to stay always behind that line defending ourselves for things we didn't make !
to ALL Egyptians : If you really know your religion, PLEASE STOP TALKING ! and start working,moving to make this country the best in the world ! start with yourself and as mentioned in Quraan : "
‘We have sent you to the entire mankind to give them good tidings, and warn them; but most people do not understand this.’
(Saba’ 34: 28)"

Hope you got it guys !

Welcome to the jungle

After many years living in Egypt, you will realize that we live in a one big jungle where people gained through years lots of animals behaviors before you get me wrong, let's make a quick high light over Egyptian characteristics and let's classify it from the majority to the minority :

Number One :
The rabbits character, they represent the majority of Egyptians (nearly 45%), they have the exact characters of rabbits, they are ignorant, they don't know what is going on at any higher level, and if they knew they never CARE, as they are in a quick motion most of time to find resources of living and after they finish searching, they accept what they got and goes back quickly to hide again in one of their safe holes, they do everything in life, they work,marry and have fun then they die without even realizing why were they born !

Number Two:
The fox character, they represent the middle class in the society, they know a thing or two about what is going on, but they never interrupt to make any kind of change, they work cleverly in a silent mood and they stay as far as they can from dangerous, they wait till they find a catch or an opportunity to join the rich people club, their aim is to make profit without having any kind of loss in life.

Number Three:
The Dogs character, they represent those who are always walking in front of politicians or anyone having a goal who needs people to achieve his goal, they walks in groups, they accept whatever they got from their bosses, they believe that their bosses understand better than them and they are very loyal to them.

Number Four:
The wolves character, they represent most of the higher class people in the society, they cares only about their goals, they run after it, they don't mind to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, they hide behind masks and use dogs to establish new rules that helps only them, they are always in need for more .......... and put in the dots whatever words you like!

Number Five:
The monkey character, they represent those who wants to make a real change in society and they think they know how to do the change, but they don't as their goals are always not clear enough so that everyone could understand it, they jump from a tree to a tree, from a goal to another in order to make any change, they get near enough from the wolves and they barely touch them then when the wolves turns his eyes to them they jump quickly to the highest point at the tree to hide.

I understand that most of these characters could be living at any society but if your able to imagine what these characters could do in a country where 35% of it can't even read or write, and when 45% of it are under the line of poverty, and in an absence of applying rules on everybody, when there are no chances for any ordinary person to make a better tomorrow for himself or even for others, you will be able then to imagine how this jungle is not a good place to live it, because there is no lion living in it who makes sure that everyone get his right, and that's the main difference between the Egyptian jungle and any other European jungle.


The Fake Crowns !

Memories is what we call about our past experiences which was good & bad, happy & sad and these experiences helped in establishing our personalities which is just a reflection of our past experiences and our knowledge that makes up our impressions about almost everything,
And based on that we put fake crowns on the wrong persons and we remove it from the heads of the right ones ! because in fact we choose everything in our lives, starting with which people to talk with ending with people we fall in love with and it all happens in an unintentional way, cauz deep inside ur brain in the unconscious part you already took ur choice! and because this unconscious part never knows the different between the right and the wrong! because it doesn't understand except your brain emotions, feelings and experiences and even sometimes your brain orders !! to a level that u could convince it by its ability to move objects or even that your not a human being and just a chicken
- based on real experiments made by doctors on people under the effect of hypnosis - !!

And due to that we often meet the wrong persons or people that we don't even know/realize that they are really wrong for us despite that everyone around you is just telling you that they are the WRONG ONE FOR YOU ! because you already made the choice and your inner brain just think they are great for some reason ! SO start your day like its the first day for you on earth, meet people with a smile and put away the box with labels that you are always holding inside your brain to put everyone you meet inside one of those boxes, don't judge people cauz they got already a judger !

Just be yourself, and you will be surprised how people real core will just be shining for you to know what they are really like!

Put your crown in a very high place & who could reach it would be def. your king instead of keeping on putting it over the wrong heads !

Karim Kamel

Souls Market !

When you have something you want to sell the first point you focus on is how much the buyer would pay you for this product ! you don't care how he looks like ! or how he talks, or even what he believes in but if -for some reason- you found out that he is actually a good person you would consider this as a PLUS but what If the product that you want to sell is your daughter !

And before you get me wrong, I am talking about families that is totally concerned on whoever wants to marry their daughter about how much he has in his bank account? what is his salary? is he able to pay X Number for the marriage costs ! These people makes me feel sick and I am sorry about them too because from many points of view, they think that they who could control the future of their daughters by securing their financial situation so they put a list of minimum requirements, standards for that poor guy ! because they think that this guy salary is what could makes their daughter & him live happy,rich and NOT GOD ! but what happen if god will decided to take from that person what he gave him ? who could stop that?
why these families think that they are who make the money ! Why can't they just see that we are all just tools ! we do what we are supposed to do and results are always from god, you could do your best and reach nothing !! and that's what they should care about ? Is he doing what he is supposed to do ? what his personality is like?

I really want to know who put these stupid standards inside their heads? did god told us that ?
They all know that all what god ordered in the guy willing to marriage is : his religion/his ethics (men ga2kom tardon denho w 7'alkh fa ZoJOG) this is a simple clear direct order to make your daughter marry who got these standards "ZOGOH" but you could find a smart families saying yes he must be having these ethics bla bla, but it's also important to be in our SAME LEVEL if not higher !

Well first, I agree that he should be from the same social layer so that it could be easy to communicate with each others ! but that has nothing to do with how much he got? he could be from a very good family, and apparently he is good ! but he is poor ! what is the big deal of that ?

About the fake excuse of "Life is hard, he must afford her a nice living style bla bla" well AGAIN AND AGAIN, you are not the one who is responsible for feeding your self - ITS GOD- AND SO IS HE !

We are from the very few countries that applies the most weird marriage system despite that our religion is having the simplest marriage system in history ! "Kobol (attraction) between two persons, then he goes ask her family if he is good enough from their point of view in ethics, religion" then BOOM they are married !

And god warned us from caring about other things cauz in the same "7ades" he followed after saying " Mn Ga2kom Tardonh Denho w 7'alkh fa zojoh " he said : "W 2an lam ykon tkon fatnA fe al a2rd w Fsad" !!

and that's what happening now : 3nosa as (2 from every 10 girls marry in the age between 20-25) ... Zana (as guys are not able to marry )

If a guy salary is 1000 le, they tell him this not enough ! I just heard so from a friend who had a personal experience about that :D !!
then what happen if this family knew that 45% of Egypt whole population their income is less than 1$ per day, that means 60% per month which is about 350 le ! so this guy who is salary is 1000 le considered from the middle class with good average salaries in Egypt ! lol

Shar AL Balaya ma yod7k ... Rabna yahdehm :)


The Morality of Murder (part 1)

Imagine that you are driving a car that has no brakes & at the end of the road there are five workers but you just noticed that there is other sub way that has only 1 worker, & you have no other options but killing one of them, what would you choose ? the answer of the majority for this question would be to kill the 1 worker to save the other 5, right ? but imagine with me another situation where you are on the top of a bridge and while your looking down you realized that there is a car that also has no brakes and there are 5 workers on its way but beside you there is a very fat man who if you pushed him from the bridge would hit the car and die but you gonna save the other 5 workers, what would you choose ? I think again the answer for the majority would say that they WONT EVER push this fat person from the bridge no matter what benefits you gonna gain from doing so!

So now we have two situations, one of them you agree to kill 1 for saving 5 .. & the other you disagree to kill 1 to save 5 .... the benefits are the same in both situations but yet you can't agree on both of them !

Can you explain why ?(Comments are welcomed)

Because the human nature likes to choose when it is forced to choose ! this is how the choices problem could be explained, how are we able to choose everything in our lives and in the same time destiny could direct us in the way of things that we think its not out of our choices, its a complicated equation......

you are a part from the system so the system controls you but in the same time the system is a part of you and that's how you can control it too

I am not sure wether if you guys are following with me or the words became complicated, anyway ill give u and myself a break .. and then ill write the 2nd part

so....to be continued :)


you have the ability to choose everything in your life, no matter what you do or where you are, whatever happen to you its just what you really wanted deep inside your brain..Metrlink says about justice : we don't meet but our selves in the way of fate, be a thief and crimes will run to you, be a liar and lies will just come out to you, wherever you go your destiny will be just a mirror of your self .

for example if your walking in the street and all out of sudden a stone fall from the sky on your head that means it was your destiny to be injured by this stone but the consequences that happen after that is what u really want no matter how you thought about it, and to get what you really wanted deep inside you bad or good things must happen to you on the way....it is written what will you do, it is written what point you will reach in the end, but even what is written is changeable based on your choices which you can't choose anything but it. that's why who kills get killed and who lies gets in troubles..in other words you choose what u do and even what destiny put you in is just what you really wanted and chose deep inside you, that's how there is balance and that's how we can't escape from our destiny in the same time, we choose our destiny without even realizing that, and even the smallest choice you make in ur life has a great impact on your life as a whole.. so in the end you might think that u didn't choose to read this note and nothing will change in your life after reading it but trust me no matter what u gonna do it effects you in a way that u can't even imagine.. so if you don't think its all about choices, then think again !