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Ether you were just passing by it, or you were googling some topics that ended you to here, you should know that no matter who you are, where do you live, or what is your nationality or race, I really appreciate you as a human being, and in this blog I general write about philosophy/life/religions/politics and some other time I write about a small technical issues. your very welcome and I will really appreciate your comments as well :)

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Geeks are the real gangsters who are responsible for changing the world around you!

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I have too much interest in philosophy in general! and that's what is this blog is mainly about, many topics here will be very related to philosophy.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Terrorists !

who killed a 100 million Indian in North America ? and that's the least number researchers talked about, there are official documents that refers to more than this number ! who killed 60 million person in world war one ? P.S> 12 millions from them were civilians. who killed 70 million person in world war two ? who threw 2 nuclear bombs over civilians in Japan ? who killed 50 million Indian in south America ? who took a 180 million person from Africa as slaves and shipped them like Animals to America which was the reason that 77% died in the way and graved in the pacific ocean ! who killed 20 million person from the native australlians? who did all that ? were Muslims were the reaosn behind all that ? the answer is NO ! but yet we are who called 'terrorist' !

The Harmony of Chaos.

Scene#1: you are standing on tectonic shields that is floating as a spaceship in its orbit which is moving along with millions of other orbits inside a galaxy that is moving as well a long with billions of billions of other galaxies in a bigger space that we can't even define its boundaries due to its continous expanding and we called this bigger space : THE UNIVERSE ! Scene#2: you are a drunk man sitting at a bar wondering how to talk with this cool chick who is sitting beside you or you arean Iraaqi guy running from the American forces who are insisting you are a terrorist and trying to kill you using their advanced weapons which was invented to never be used except against civilians like you ! If you can feel those two scenes you must feel that the world is in a very chaos form, & because I am interested in philosophers who are very trapped in mind & scientists who are very trapped in the matter/universe/physical rules I will try in this note to connect between both to find the harmony in all that using the only connection that can work between both : the soul ! The problem of representation: ->How does our mind convert / represent the wave energy interactions into our mental experiences, e.g. a frequency of light to a 'color' that we 'see' with our mind. The Connection between Mind, Matter and Space: ->The mind can move matter in the space : eating, walking, breathing, moving objects ->The mind produce brain waves in the space while thinking and now they calculate these waves frequency to build machines that you can control only using your thinking, like turning on lights etc etc. The universe properties & it's relation with mind: ->to be able to describe our discrete matter in the universe, we were forced to add the concept of forces and fields to connect between them in space and time, and to apply the same concept on our mind we are 'forced' to create a bigger properties that can describe it like 'universal mind' or 'GOD' ! if you have a good analytical mind you should had realized there is a weak point in that which is we are in both cases we are describing the things we can experience by other things that we didn't experience before ! and what that means ? it means simply its impossible to describe our bigger rule by dividing it into smaller particles, because you will be forced to invent a higher force to connect between them that's how Einstien said in 'Action at a distance' trap when he failed to describe the quantum mechanics and that's how 'the ghost in the machine' concept raised. but you can easily describe all these random/different particles by seeing its over-all harmony in nature/universe and to understand this better notice the following : ->Did you notice before that music exists only because that particles have a wave nature ! ->Did you notice that happiness is a mental harmony ? ->Can your mind feel by the harmony in the sky when you look at it in night with all these stars? I've used a sound, heart and light examples to show you how is it really possible to describe the harmony of the chaos you might see/feel in both of the matter/mind. but to feel this harmony you must be in the right state, if a tree failed in a forest, and noone was there to hear it, would there be a sound for it? off course there will be a sound, but to hear it your have to be at the right place in the right time. and that's how exactly you can feel the harmony of the universe. in the end you should know wether your a hunter or a hunt that we are all living in the best of all possible worlds. K.K